
My mission is to forge a brighter future by empowering agile, ethical entrepreneurs.

I love building systems, boosting personal productivity, and solving problems! But more than that, I love teaching these systems and tools to others!

Small Business Entrepreneurship runs deep in my family’s DNA, and I know the struggles that come with being self-employed first-hand. The tools and lessons that I’ve picked up along the way are hard-won and any time I’ve shared them I see light bulbs go off behind people’s eyes.

As you can see on the Testimonials page, I’ve helped a number of people start and grow their own businesses. I’ve studied (and continue to study) psychology, marketing, Irish tax law, and I’m a qualified Trainer pursing a Masters in Management Consulting.

I post useful blogs here on the site. I also run workshops or work directly with clients, and speak in public to help people achieve focus for their business (and their lives) and create habits that guarantee the greatest environment for success.

Based between Paris, France, and Dublin, Ireland, I do most of my work online, running a few in-person workshops per year.

I’m passionate about helping small business owners to reclaim their time and energy, while also providing for their families and communities.

But there’s another reason I’m so into doing what I’m doing…

Start with ‘Why’

…or view…

Qualifications & Experience



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